Cerebellar Ataxia symptoms

Loss of nerve cells, damage or degeneration in the part of brain that controls your muscle coordination also known as the cerebellum, result in ataxia or loss of coordination. Ataxia can be caused by peripheral nerve damage or any diseases that could damage the spinal cord which connects the cerebellum to muscles. Ataxia could affect body movement from the neck area to the hip (middle-part of the body), or the legs and arms (limbs). It could be noticed when the person is sitting, the body can move back and forth, side to side, or both. The body moves quickly to an upright position though. There are some Cerebellar Ataxia symptoms:

The patients symptoms with cerebellar ataxia might vary significantly from person to person or may have symptoms that involve many aspects.

A patient with cerebellar ataxia should stay in close contact with a neurologist, primary physician, psychologist or psychiatrist and with speech, swallowing, speech and occupational therapists so the new problems could be treated and recognized early to reduce the chances of future injury.